This project is a Roman numeral converter app that converts a given number between 1 and 3999 into a Roman numeral. It's a simple app that takes a number as input, converts it, and then outputs the result.
It was very interesting to see the math that goes into a conversion like this. It requires a considerably deeper understanding of the components you're working with to be able to allow such a simple and easy-to-use conversion tool.
I also had a lot of fun styling in this one, playing around with subtle changes in shade. As you'll notice the borders or only slightly lighter than the background, making things easy on the eyes whilst still providing a clear distinction between elements.
I think my background in drawing as a kid lends well to styling web pages. The reason I say that is because of the fact that I find it fun, enjoyable to do work that ends up looking great, not just by my standards, but by the standards of others too.
I find myself hiding a small smile when I see others saying they "hate" CSS. Because, while it can be cumbersome, it's also a lot of fun. It's like drawing or painting or any other kind of design, but with code.
And I'm only just beginning.